frequently asked questions

What are Small Groups?
At FBC Tifton, a Small Group is a gathering of 8 to 14 people who meet regularly. They most often meet in each other’s homes or on the church campus to establish a sense of community and live out the reality of the Christian life together as members move through life. The purpose of Small Groups is for people to believe in Jesus, belong in community, and to help others become disciples of Jesus.

What happens in a Small Group?
Community happens. In a Small Group, you will catch up on life together, read and study God’s word, possibly eat delicious snacks, pray for each other, and create fun memories together.

When and where do Small Groups meet?
Small Groups can meet at anytime during the week. Just find a time that works for you. Small Groups can meet anywhere either on campus or off campus. (your living room, coffee shop, workplace, etc)

What do off-campus groups do about childcare?
If you're group meets off-campus outside of regular church programming, we will gladly offer a reimbursement for childcare. Please see our Small Group Childcare Reimbursement Form for details.

How long do Small Groups meet?
Small groups meet on a triple semester basis being Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each group has an advertised start and end date.

Who can lead a Small Group?
Have you encountered the grace of Jesus? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? You have been called to help others believe, belong, and become disciples of Jesus. Let us help you equip believers to make disciples who make disciples.

Where can I find resources?
We will always be providing new resoucres to train and equip small group leaders. Be sure to checkout our Small Group Leader Resources page at www.fbctifton.org/groups.

What do Small Groups study?
Most Small Groups are designed to dig deeper into the current sermon series, putting application to the Word being preached. Groups can also go through short-term topical studies as well. We have a free online and app based data base full of free studies your small group, personal devotional, or family devotional times. You can get access here